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Mistakes To Avoid In Alpharetta Car Accident Cases

Mistakes To Avoid In Alpharetta Car Accident Cases

People often make many mistakes following a car accident. Mistakes such as admitting fault, refusing medical treatment, and failing to seek help from an attorney could prevent the injured party from seeking compensation for damages. As soon as possible following a collision, you should reach out to a skilled car accident attorney. The lawyer could help you understand the mistakes to avoid in Alpharetta car accident cases.

What are the Risks of Trying to be Polite by Apologizing?

Admitting fault at the scene of the accident is a mistake because the driver creates evidence against themselves. Records are created by the police who come to the scene to investigate the accident, and they record that the driver said they are at-fault.

Additionally, many people will try to be polite by apologizing. For example, someone is rear-ended when the person behind them follows too closely and does not leave enough space to stop. If they apologize for the accident and stopping short, they are admitting that the accident is partially their fault. When someone admits they stopped short, they let the other driver avoid their responsibility for the accident.

Why is Refusal of Medical Treatment a Mistake?

People often make the mistake of refusing medical treatment. The injured person minimizes the situation because their adrenaline is going, which masks some of the pain. They might be terrified about what happened to their car and do not want to leave their car and possessions. Many things go through a person's mind after an accident. They do not want to go to the hospital and plan to get medical treatment later.

Follow Up Medical Treatment

When the injured person does not follow doctor's orders, they create a scenario where the insurance company can claim that had they followed the doctor’s orders, they would have recovered quicker, and they are not trying to help themselves get better. When someone does not comply with professional medical advice, the insurance company could make a claim that were not injured.

How can a Treatment Gap Hurt a Person’s Case?

A treatment gap occurs when someone is supposed to be going to treatment consistently, and they miss several appointments. If the person misses a month of doctor's appointments, that is a gap that can hurt their case. The individual needs to explain why they waited 30 days to return for treatment.

An insurance company may call a person right after they are in an accident. It is a mistake to talk to insurance companies without speaking to an attorney. Many people want to tell their story about what happened in the accident, but most people do not know the pitfalls of what not to say. It is better to say nothing.

The purpose of giving a recorded statement to the other driver’s insurance company is to find issues in the recorded statement that shifts the responsibility to the injured party and gets the person who caused the accident out of a difficult situation. An individual has no duty to give a recorded statement to the other driver’s insurance company. They are not under contract with the other driver’s insurance company.

The other driver’s insurance company tries to make the injured party believe they have to give a recorded statement to have their car repaired. That is not true. Anything they say that is recorded becomes evidence in the case.

Accepting a Settlement Offer

In many situations, an insurance company may offer a one-time settlement to the injured party. There are many risks in accepting a settlement offer too early. An insurance company may call a person right after they are in an accident. It is a mistake to accept a settlement because the injured party may not know the final amount of their medical expenses and other bills. Those who have been involved in a motor vehicle collision should speak to a diligent attorney to learn about the benefits and consequences of accepting a settlement offer.

Reach Out to a Car Accident Attorney as Soon as Possible

A person should contact an attorney immediately after a car accident. An attorney could advise them on the steps to take following a motor vehicle crash.  Most people do not realize that they could make mistakes, which could hurt their chances of recovering compensation for damages in the future. They also want to make sure they understand all of their rights, get proper medical treatment, handle any issues with their car, and other issues that come up initially in the first few days. Call a skilled attorney today to learn about the mistakes to avoid in Alpharetta car accident cases.

Jennifer Gore-Cuthbert - Owner & Attorney

Attorney Jennifer Gore-Cuthbert was seriously injured in a collision and experienced firsthand dealing with uncooperative insurance companies. She knows what it is like to feel overwhelmed and under-educated about your rights after a collision. That is why she has dedicated this firm to fighting for accident victims and their loved ones. The goal of The Atlanta Personal Injury Law Group – Gore LLC is to provide you with excellent legal advice, based on our experience in representing injured automobile drivers and passengers from all across the State of Georgia.

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