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Winning Team!

Atlanta Child Injury Lawyers

When your child suffers harm, it can have a devastating impact on your entire family. If the accident occurred because of another party’s negligence, you can seek justice. Anyone who injures a child should pay for the resulting damages.

Contact an Atlanta child injury lawyer to discuss getting the compensation your family deserves. Our team can hold the at-fault party financially accountable.

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Hidden Dangers for Children in Atlanta

the National Trial Lawyer badge

Atlanta teems with unmaintained playgrounds, hidden everyday hazards, and overpopulated roadways. Each of these factors contributes to countless child injuries each year.

Leading causes of child injuries include:

  • Collisions involving cars, trucks, buses, and other motor vehicles
  • Bicycle accidents and pedestrian accidents
  • Slips and falls
  • Premises liability incidents, including those at schools and daycares

Atlanta Personal Injury Law Group is no stranger to these cases. Our lawyers can advocate for what you need, whether from an individual or a large corporation. Multiple parties may bear responsibility for you're child's injuries, so let us figure out what parties should compensate your family for their losses.

Three Things to Know About Pursuing a Child Injury Case

We strive for 100 percent transparency so you can make informed decisions and fully understand your situation. Here’s what we want you to know:

You Have a Limited Time to File Your Lawsuit

We resolve many injury cases through negotiations with insurance providers. If we can’t come to a fair agreement with the insurer, we may file a lawsuit against the at-fault party.

According to Georgia law, you generally have two years to file a lawsuit. Your filing deadline begins either from the date your child suffered harm or the date you discovered their injuries. Filing your case outside the two-year window could forfeit your right to damages. Our team can manage your case’s deadlines to protect your options, along with any other laws that might impact your case’s timeline.

We have a network of legal resources throughout Atlanta, and we will put these resources to work to pursue compensation for your family. Let us evaluate your options today/

It Costs Nothing Up Front to Partner With Our Team

Atlanta Personal Injury Law Group understands the financial aftermath of a child injury. Right now, you may miss time from work as you care for your child. You could face thousands of dollars in medical care costs——not to mention your pain and suffering.

That’s why our team offers legal help on a contingency-fee basis. You pay nothing out of pocket for our help. A pre-determined percentage of your settlement pays for our services, so you don’t have to make financial sacrifices to get legal support. We can start advocating for your child’s legal rights today.

You Don’t Have to Accept the Insurance Company’s First Offer

The other party may offer a settlement immediately after your child’s injury. However, if this initial offer does not account for what you need, you have every right to “hold out” for a fair offer.

Your lawyer will review any settlement offers and determine whether one meets your needs. If you receive an unsatisfactory offer, your lawyer can:

  • Present more evidence. The insurance company may not understand your situation. We can show what happened and further establish your right to damages with sufficient proof of the injury and incident.
  • Negotiate a better offer. Your lawyer may use witness testimony and other information to negotiate a fair offer.
  • File a lawsuit. If the insurance company refuses to settle, you can file a lawsuit against the negligent party. Sometimes, filing a lawsuit motivates the insurer to offer fair compensation.

Proving Negligence in Atlanta Child Injury Cases

Although minor bumps and bruises are a natural part of childhood, negligence causes serious harm to children. Proving that another party’s negligence harmed your child means we can hold the at-fault party financially accountable.

Negligence requires our team to establish these four elements:

  • The defendant owed the plaintiff a duty of care.
  • The defendant breached that duty.
  • The breach caused the plaintiff’s injuries.
  • The plaintiff suffered damages as a result.

Everyone must avoid harming others. If another party's actions caused your child's injuries, they should pay for your losses. During your free case review, we can discuss liability in more detail.

We’re Ready to Pursue Damages for Your Child’s Injuries

Your compensable damages include economic losses (such as medical expenses), and non-economic losses, like pain and suffering.

Punitive damages are available in rare cases. Under Georgia law, a family may receive punitive damages if the defendant acted intentionally or egregiously. A knowledgeable attorney at our Atlanta office can evaluate your losses and discuss the damages you can pursue.

We Will Determine What You Need

We want to recover everything you need to account for your past, present, and future injury-related losses.

We can determine your losses’ value by considering:

  • The extent of your child’s injuries
  • The cost of your financial losses, such as your child’s healthcare expenses
  • Your missed time from work
  • Your child’s mental health condition

We may also assess your injury-related receipts, invoices, and billing statements. Your lawyer may also consult accident reconstruction specialists and other professionals to clarify your situation’s details.

We’ve Recovered Millions for Injured Claimants and Their Loved Ones

Since 2013, we’ve helped countless people recover damages. In the years since, we’ve recovered millions for injured adult and child claimants.

Here are some of our success stories:

  • Our client came to us after suffering serious injuries in a rear-end collision. After investigating their situation, we recovered more than $900,000 for their losses.
  • Our client suffered life-altering injuries after a trucker collided with their vehicle. We recovered $880,000 for our client’s medical bills, lost job-related benefits, and pain and suffering.
  • We managed a head-on collision case where our client accrued thousands of dollars in losses. After proving fault, negligence, and liability, we recovered $600,000.

These are just some of the outcomes we’ve achieved for injured people. Our team can pursue what you need today.

Investigating Your Child Injury Case in Atlanta, GA

When investigating and compiling evidence, we use this proof to build a strong case that supports your right to damages.

Supporting evidence can include:

  • Your child’s medical records
  • Information from witnesses and accident reconstruction specialists
  • Injury-related invoices, billing statements, and receipts
  • Your employment records (to demonstrate your missed time from work)
  • Photos and videos of the accident scene (and of your child’s injuries)

Even the smallest piece of information could prove your right to damages. If you have anything that could support your case, we encourage you to share that information with your legal team.

Our Legal Team Manages All Insurance-Related Communications

Depending on the circumstances of the accident, you may file a claim with the liable insurance company. First, the insurer can investigate the accident and interview you. Then, it determines whether it’s responsible for your child’s injuries.

You can hire legal representation at any point during this process. Although an insurance investigation isn’t the same as a lawsuit, you have the right to hire an attorney from our firm. We can facilitate communication with the insurance company and fight for a fair settlement.

Our team will ensure the liable insurance company takes your claim seriously and acts in good faith. A lawyer with experience handling child injury cases in Atlanta can advise you on whether to take the insurance company's offer or proceed with a lawsuit.

Frequently Asked Questions About Child Injury Cases in Atlanta

You might have many questions on your mind as you consider legal aid, such as:

What Injuries Warrant Financial Recovery?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) notes that drownings and near-fatal drownings are leading causes of child injuries. These incidents can result in brain damage, oxygen deprivation, respiratory distress syndrome, and pneumonia.

In addition to drowning accidents, we also handle cases involving:

  • Spinal cord damage
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Broken bones
  • Cuts, puncture wounds, and lacerations
  • Torn ligaments
  • Sprains and strains
  • Whiplash

We also advocate for families who have lost loved ones in an accident. Juggling wrongful death and estate claim cases is difficult for anyone, so let our lawyers take this burden off your shoulders.

What Should I Do if My Child Suffered an Injury?

Your child's health and well-being are of the utmost importance. Bring your child to a healthcare provider if you even think your child is hurt. In addition to medical attention:

  • Write down your child's account of events. If your child can recollect the details of their accident, write down these details. Information could include the accident location, anyone involved in the incident, and possible witnesses.
  • Document losses. Keep track of your child’s doctors’ appointments, necessary treatments, and other details. We can use this information to determine what constitutes a fair settlement.
  • Retain legal aid. Atlanta Personal Injury Law Group will focus on the claims and lawsuit processes. You focus on your child’s health and happiness. We’re ready to manage everything your case requires while you focus on your child’s health.
  • Limit your social media use. Only you and your lawyer should know your case’s intimate details. Anything you share with other parties (especially online) could harm your case’s outcome.

Our child injury lawyers in Atlanta can explain more about your next steps and answer any questions about the claims process.

What Happens if My Child Was Hurt in Another Party’s Care?

If your child suffered harm while in another party’s care, you could hold the caregiver legally accountable. For instance, suppose your child suffered harm because of negligent supervision at their daycare center. Here, because another party breached their duty of care, and your child suffered harm, you can seek compensation.

How Long Does It Take to Recover Damages?

How long it takes to resolve your case depends on many aspects of your situation, including:

  • The insurance company’s willingness to settle. Some insurance companies may not handle claims in good faith. They may drag out the claims process to discourage you from seeking damages.
  • Your child’s health condition. During your child’s recovery, it’s hard to know how much you need for their healthcare expenses. We don’t want to settle your case without fully understanding your child’s health condition. We want to recover everything you need to pay for their past, present, and future losses.
  • The number of involved parties. Your case may involve more than one liable party. This could add to the length of your case's resolution. For instance, the involved parties may blame one another or delay the claims process.

Other factors could determine how long it could take to resolve your case. Our team will do everything possible to keep your claim or lawsuit moving forward.

What Can I Expect During My Free Case Review?

Your case review is your opportunity to discuss your case with our firm. Here, we’ll ask for some basic information about your situation, including your child’s age and injuries.

Then, you can ask us some questions, including:

  • What damages can I recover through a claim or lawsuit?
  • What can I expect from the legal process?
  • What happens if the liable insurer denies my claim?
  • How long do I have to file my claim or lawsuit?
  • Do I have to work with a lawyer?

If you have any questions about your case’s potential, you can call us today to learn more.

Our Clients Share Their Satisfaction with Us

We proudly serve Atlanta and the surrounding areas, and we’re ready to take on your case. We want to help you get your life and your child’s life back on track after an accident.

Our testimonials speak for themselves:

  • One client, Antoinette, commented on our fast responses, communication, and friendliness. Antoinette’s experience with our firm treating her with the attention her case deserved is the experience we offer to every client who walks through our door.
  • Laura, another client of ours, came to us when her three children were in a car accident. We successfully fought for a fair settlement for Laura’s children, and our compassion and attentiveness allowed Laura and her family to get their lives back on track.

We’re committed to your legal interests, and we want what’s best for your child. We’re ready to listen to your story during your free case review, so do not hesitate to call.

Contact an Atlanta Child Injury Attorney Today

Jennifer Gore-Cuthbert, Personal Injury Accident Attorney
Jennifer Gore-Cuthbert, Atlanta Child Injury Attorneys

When a serious accident involves a child, emotions tend to run high. Understandably, family members want to seek justice and hold the negligent party accountable.

For help making decisions during this difficult time, we recommend contacting an Atlanta child injury lawyer from our team. Our firm is here to offer compassionate guidance throughout the legal process and advocate for your best interests. Contact us for your free case evaluation today at (404) 609-1724.


After my accident, I immediately googled accident lawyers.. I didn't know much about this company but I'm glad that I chose them. From the time...

- Jay