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Alpharetta Car Accident Settlement Process

Alpharetta Car Accident Settlement Process

When a car accident occurs, the responsible party may be required to pay the injured victim compensation for damages. A knowledgeable car accident attorney could advocate on behalf of the injured party and help them get the compensation they need. The lawyer could help the injured party through each step of the Alpharetta car accident settlement process. The settlement process is specific to each unique case.

When an accident occurs, the responsible party’s insurance company may offer a settlement to those who have been injured. The attorney will convey the offer to the injured claimant and get their approval in writing to settle their case. From there, the insurance company will send a release and a check. Once the claimant signs the release, the attorney will deposit the check into an Interest on Lawyers Trust Accounts (IOLTA). Then, the funds are distributed according to the settlement breakdown. The lawyer will inform the claimant of the amount of the settlement, outstanding medical bills, the attorney’s fees and the number they walk away with.

Initial Consultation with an Attorney

When someone has an initial consultation with an attorney following a car accident, they need all of the basic information from the scene of the crash. Having a case number or a police report number and photos of the scene are most helpful. When someone first calls an attorney, they will not have the police report because it takes three days to generate the report after an accident. The case number should help their own health insurance information for any paperwork they received from going to the hospital or the emergency room. Witness information gathered at the scene and anything else that might be pertinent are important to bring to the attorney’s attention at the initial consultation as well.

Reasons to Settle Rather Than Go to Trial

There are many reasons why a person decides to resolve a case in a private settlement rather than filing a lawsuit and going to court. All of the parties need to come to an agreement. The insurance company has to present a fair offer and the injured party needs to agree to the offer. When that can be done, a private settlement can be negotiated.

When the claimant thinks the offer is unfair or the insurance company is not willing to put out a great offer, the injured party could file a lawsuit, goes to court, and takes their chances with a jury. The decision to file a lawsuit is usually made by the injured claimant with the guidance of their attorney. Sometimes, it is necessary to file a lawsuit because the insurance company completely denies their claim or puts them in a position where the offer is so low, there is no benefit in agreeing to it.

Why Might Someone Refuse to Take A Settlement Instead of Going To Trial?

When the settlement offer is extremely low and does not cover all of the out-of-pocket expenses, the injured party could refuse the offer. It depends on the individual, their circumstances, and their financial ability to extend the case. When someone goes to court, it could take an additional year and a half to two years to settle the case. When the amount of money the insurance company offers is somewhat reasonable, some people will accept the offer, rather than going back to court when they think it is not worth it. A skilled attorney could help the injured party determine if the settlement offer is worth the full value of their injuries and damages.

How A Car Accident Attorney Could Help

An Alpharetta car accident attorney could benefit someone looking to settle a car accident suit because they are not able to get a settlement unless they sign a release. The person needs to sign a legal document that binds them to certain terms to receive the check. Many things in the document could harm the person if they sign the document without the help of legal guidance. It is important when signing legal document that the person is not giving away some of their legal rights. They should have an attorney guiding them through the Alpharetta car accident settlement process. Call today to learn more about how an attorney could help your case.

Jennifer Gore-Cuthbert - Owner & Attorney

Attorney Jennifer Gore-Cuthbert was seriously injured in a collision and experienced firsthand dealing with uncooperative insurance companies. She knows what it is like to feel overwhelmed and under-educated about your rights after a collision. That is why she has dedicated this firm to fighting for accident victims and their loved ones. The goal of The Atlanta Personal Injury Law Group – Gore LLC is to provide you with excellent legal advice, based on our experience in representing injured automobile drivers and passengers from all across the State of Georgia.

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