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Amazon Delivery Truck Accidents in Roswell

Over the past few years, the surge in online shopping has led to a significant increase in delivery vans, trucks, and tractor-trailers on local roads. Unfortunately, this increase also means an inevitable uptick in the number of Amazon delivery truck accidents in Roswell every year.

If you recently suffered serious injuries in a delivery truck crash, a Roswell truck accident lawyer could help you. Our legal team could review the details of your accident and help you pursue financial compensation for your losses. Contact us today. We offer free case reviews and consultations for Roswell Amazon truck accident victims and other injury victims in Fulton County, Georgia.

Understanding the Increase in Amazon Truck Accidents in Roswell, GA

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The City of Roswell has a unique location, serving as the literal crossroads of the northern part of Fulton County. A northern suburb of Atlanta, the city is home to five major state highways and provides easy access to all local interstates.

This includes:

  • I-285, I-85, I-75, and I-20
  • SR 92, SR 9, SR 120, SR 140, SR 400

As all of metro Atlanta expanded rapidly for the past several decades, Roswell felt the crunch. Roads today feature frequently congested, stalled, and difficult traffic. Collisions, especially on Highway 400 and I-285, are regular events. With increased tractor-trailer and delivery truck traffic, many crashes involve commercial vehicles.

Amazon was already a booming business when COVID-19 hit in March 2020. Then, more people opted for online ordering and delivery instead of running to the nearest store. Amazon could even become the largest delivery company in North America in 2022, according to CNBC.

The company’s fleet and operations have a larger presence in Fulton County and nearby areas.

This includes:

  • Whole Foods Distribution Center
  • Amazon Warehouse (DAT1)
  • Amazon Fulfillment Center (UGA4)
  • Several other facilities in the area

These facilities mean 18-wheelers frequently move cargo throughout the area, from warehouse to distribution and fulfillment centers. This includes the behind-the-scenes work before orders ever make it to those blue delivery vans we all recognize.

Atlanta Personal Injury Law Group Handles Roswell Amazon Truck Accidents

Our attorneys at Atlanta Personal Injury Law Group know how to build a case against Amazon and recover compensation for our clients. We are familiar with the Fulton County court system and many of the judges. We even know what to expect when we file a case against Amazon or a claim with its insurance provider. We have been here before and can use our experience to help you, too.

At Atlanta Personal Injury Law Group, we strongly believe that victims of serious injury accidents deserve justice. We fight to protect their rights and recover full compensation for them. Victims can hold negligent delivery or truck drivers and their employers responsible for causing preventable injuries and other damages.

Our attorneys work to provide the necessary support, advocacy, and legal representation our clients need and deserve during this challenging time. We charge no upfront fees, work based on contingency, and provide free consultations. Let us handle your legal case while you focus on your treatment and physical recovery.

Common Reasons for Delivery Truck Crashes

Companies like Amazon face pressure to deliver packages to their customers as quickly as possible. When customers sign up for premium services, such as Amazon Prime, they expect to receive their packages fast. Consequently, companies may overwork their drivers by giving them more packages to deliver and shorter timelines for completing their routes.

Accidents often occur when drivers speed or drive recklessly to meet those company-imposed deadlines. Truckers may push themselves to drive for long hours without sufficient rest and break times, which could cause them to become overtired. Fatigued drivers often have slower reaction times and make careless driving mistakes.

The Dangers of Untrained Delivery Drivers

Companies may have to hire new drivers, especially at hectic times, such as the Christmas holiday season. Unfortunately, they do not always take sufficient time to properly train new drivers.

Untrained drivers may not know how to handle their delivery vans or tractor-trailers. They may not know the turning radius of their vehicle, how much space to leave in front of them if they have to stop suddenly, or how to safely change lanes while taking into account a commercial truck’s blind spots. Our experienced Roswell attorneys handle many cases involving delivery truck accidents caused by untrained drivers.

Collisions Caused During Amazon Deliveries

Many accidents occur when delivery drivers double park their vehicles while making doorstep deliveries. Collisions can happen when other drivers try to maneuver around these double-parked trucks.

Other drivers on the road may not anticipate a delivery truck’s unexpected movements. Accidents frequently happen when truck drivers stop or turn suddenly to make deliveries.

Other Causes of Delivery Truck Wrecks in Roswell

Even if the delivery truck driver obeys all road rules, traffic accidents can still occur. Sometimes, crashes happen when cargo loaders improperly load vehicles. If the commercial truck’s weight is unbalanced, the driver may lose control of the vehicle. If the responsible parties do not secure cargo, packages could fall out of the truck and onto the road, sometimes into the path of oncoming cars.

Defective truck parts can also lead to crashes, as can road defects and inclement weather conditions. Our attorneys investigate delivery truck crashes to determine the precise causes and identify any potentially responsible parties.

Who Is At-Fault for an Amazon Truck Crash?

Depending on the circumstances of the crash, many different parties could bear potential legal liability, including:

  • The driver
  • Amazon
  • The mechanic in charge of the delivery truck’s repairs
  • The original manufacturer of the truck
  • The loading company, if not Amazon

Large companies like Amazon employ all of their resources to defend against such lawsuits. They often try to get claimants to settle for unreasonably low figures. At Atlanta Personal Injury Law Group, our Amazon truck accident lawyers have experience handling delivery truck accidents. We fight hard to ensure that we represent the claimant’s interests fairly.

Holding Amazon Legally Responsible for Your Roswell Truck Accident Injuries

In most Amazon delivery truck accident cases, we file a claim based on Amazon’s liability insurance or sue the company directly. Georgia law recognizes vicarious liability for employers. Under this legal theory, an employer could bear liability for its employees’ negligence while on the clock and engaged in work-related activity.

To this end, our attorneys determine the best approach to recover compensation for our clients and seek damages on their behalf. Before we can demand compensation or file the initial paperwork in court, we must take other steps.

This includes:

  • Investigating the crash
  • Determining fault and proving negligence
  • Identifying the potentially liable parties
  • Documenting related expenses and losses
  • Working with experts and using resources to determine future and intangible damages
  • Putting a fair settlement range on the claim

Once our team has strong support for an insurance claim, we demand a fair and just payout for our client. This usually triggers settlement negotiations with the insurance company or attorneys representing Amazon. We may need to sue Amazon in Fulton County civil court or another appropriate jurisdiction if necessary.

This may occur when:

  • The insurer will not agree to a fair settlement.
  • The insurer disputes the facts in the case.
  • The costs exceed the insurance policy.
  • Time is running out to sue.
  • Our team determines this offers the best course of action.

Truck Accident Injuries Are Often Catastrophic and Cause Significant Losses

Both 18-wheelers and delivery vans are substantially larger than most passenger cars on Roswell’s roads. A collision between one of these large vehicles and a smaller car often results in significant injuries for the smaller vehicle’s occupants. We represent clients with a wide range of injuries and lasting impairments.

This includes:

  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Internal bleeding and organ damage
  • Fractures
  • Burns and scarring
  • Soft tissue injuries
  • Other back, neck, and head injuries

All too often, delivery truck collisions cause catastrophic injuries. These require long-term inpatient treatment and extensive recovery time. Some call for inpatient rehabilitation and ongoing therapies.

Even when injuries are not severe or do not cause lasting damage, the expenses and losses add up quickly. Georgia law allows victims to pursue compensation to cover these losses.

Accident victims have a right to seek money damages from the liable parties for damages including:

  • Medical expenses and all related costs
  • Future care costs
  • Lost income from all sources, including tips and commissions
  • Reduced earning ability for long-term and permanent injuries
  • Property damages, such as replacing a totaled car
  • Pain and suffering
  • Other intangible damages
  • Wrongful death damages for families whose loved ones died from their injuries

Georgia Has a Two-Year Deadline for Suing in a Roswell Truck Crash Case

Per Georgia law, you have 24 months after the collision to file the initial paperwork to begin a lawsuit against Amazon or another liable party. Missing this deadline jeopardizes your rights and ability to recover fair and just compensation.

This deadline only applies to filing a lawsuit. It does not directly affect your insurance claim. However, indirect consequences can follow from not settling your claim and missing this deadline. You lose significant leverage in negotiations. The insurer knows you cannot sue regardless of their offer, so they are unlikely to increase their payout after this date.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Amazon Truck Accidents in Roswell

Our attorneys provide free, no-obligation case reviews for victims hurt in Fulton County delivery truck accidents. We help clients and potential clients understand their rights, next steps, and how this process works. While we provide information specific to your case during these confidential consultations, you can learn general answers to the victims' most common questions below.

Is Amazon Liable for My Delivery Truck Accident Injuries?

In many cases, Amazon and other delivery companies can bear responsibility for the injuries and other damages that occurred because of an accident their driver caused. A legal theory known as respondeat superior makes this possible. Georgia law recognizes this theory and allows victims to hold the employer vicariously liable for the worker’s negligence.

While going toe-to-toe with Amazon or another large corporation is intimidating to many people, doing so proves beneficial for victims. Amazon has a large liability policy that covers incidents like this. This policy is much larger than any individual driver would carry. This could allow you to recover compensation for catastrophic injuries without going to trial.

How Much Compensation Can I Recover in My Case?

Our attorneys may offer past case results in similar accidents and other information to show our experience with these claims. However, the value of past cases offers only a general idea of your case’s worth. Similarly, we cannot offer you an average payout figure for all Amazon truck crashes.

The primary factors in how much a victim recovers in their claim or lawsuit are unique to that case. No two accidents, injuries, or list of damages are the same. Insurance negotiations differ, and so do juries. The outcome of two very similar cases could differ dramatically.

Our team only knows what the fair settlement range of a case might be after:

  • Investigating the accident
  • Gathering evidence of what happened
  • Documenting related expenses and losses
  • Working with experts to understand future and ongoing care needs
  • Using resources and experience to establish a value for intangible losses

Should I Give a Statement to Amazon or Its Insurance Company?

We can manage all communication with Amazon and its insurer for our clients. We understand the tactics companies use to reduce the available compensation in these cases. This often includes attempting to get a recorded statement from the victim.

Insurance claims and lawsuits do not require the victim to submit a recorded statement outside of depositions, interrogatories, or in-court testimony. Offering this type of statement to the insurer will not help your case, but it could damage it. The insurance adjuster is looking for something to use against you. Do not help them by providing additional information.

If Amazon or its insurance company presses you for a recorded statement, connect with our team. We could protect your rights, advocate for your best interests, and secure compensation in your case.

What Should I Do If I Receive a Settlement Offer?

If Amazon or its insurer extends a settlement offer, we encourage you to reach out to our team. We may review your case and assess the offer with you. Generally, an initial settlement offer will be far below the potential value of your case.

The insurer offers a lowball settlement quickly following a crash hoping the victim accepts it before they:

  • Realize the extent of their injuries
  • Understand the value of their case
  • Hire a lawyer to represent their best interests

We understand it is difficult to turn down thousands of dollars, especially if you worry about how you will pay bills and cover costs until you return to work. However, a settlement is final. You do not want to settle for a few thousand dollars early onβ€”only to realize you owe tens of thousands in medical bills and require ongoing therapy or treatment.

How Quickly Should I Act to Protect My Rights?

Georgia law has a two-year statute of limitations for suing in an Amazon truck accident case. However, this does not tell the full story of how quickly you should consider your legal options following an injury accident. We recommend reaching out to us as soon as your injuries allow.

Because of state and federal laws, Amazon often has key evidence to prove fault and liability following these accidents. We need to act to preserve this essential evidence.

This could include information from the truck’s β€œblack box,” driver rest logs, post-accident drug and alcohol testing results, video of the collision, and more.

Do I Have to Sue Amazon to Get Compensation for My Injuries?

Many cases settle without filing a lawsuit, and most lawsuits never go to a jury trial. However, the circumstances will determine if this could work out in your case. Our Roswell truck attorneys can review your crash and injuries and discuss the options with you for free.

If we need to sue Amazon for you, we will stand by your side throughout this process. We are not afraid of any company or insurance agency. We protect our clients' rights and fight for the fair and just compensation they deserve.

What if My Loved One Died From Their Amazon Accident Injuries?

Georgia law supports immediate family members’ recovery of compensation in a wrongful death action following the passing of a loved one. This includes a surviving spouse, children, and parents.

The recoverable damages in these cases include:

  • Related expenses and losses
  • Funeral and burial costs
  • Lost income, services, and benefits
  • Intangible losses experienced by surviving family members
  • Punitive damages, when the jury awards them

Our attorneys represent Roswell families in this type of case. We may discuss your loved one’s accident and death with you for free today. Connect with us to learn more.

Call a Roswell Attorney for Amazon Delivery Truck Accident Cases

Jennifer Gore-Cuthbert, Personal Injury Accident Attorney
Jennifer Gore-Cuthbert, Roswell Amazon Delivery Truck Accident Attorney

Amazon delivery truck accidents in Roswell occur all too often. If you

sustained injuries in a crash, reach out to a Roswell personal injury lawyer at our firm. Our legal team can stand up to Amazon and its large insurance companies to advocate on your behalf.

Call today at (404) 609-1724 to set up a free consultation about your case.


After my accident, I immediately googled accident lawyers.. I didn't know much about this company but I'm glad that I chose them. From the time...

- Jay