Interstate 75 in Atlanta sees heavy traffic daily, both from passenger vehicles and tractor-trailers. Unfortunately, the possibility of serious motor vehicle crashes and injuries comes with more traffic. Many accidents on I-75 happen when drivers fail to observe the road and commit other traffic law violations.
If you suffered injuries in an accident on I-75, you should speak with experienced legal counsel as quickly as possible.
A knowledgeable car accident attorney can investigate your accident, help you pursue a claim with the insurance company, and negotiate a favorable offer on your behalf. Your attorney can also litigate your case in court if the insurance company does not compensate you fairly.
Throughout every step of the process, your lawyer will aggressively advocate for you and maximize the settlement or litigation compensation you ultimately recover.
Types of Car Crashes on I-75
When highway drivers fail to watch the road attentively and continuously break traffic laws, they may cause accidents that lead to injuries.

Some of the most common traffic accidents that occur on I-75 include:
- Rear-end accidents - A rear-end crash happens when the front of one vehicle hits the back of another car. These accidents are common on I-75 when traffic backs up quickly and the rear driver is speeding.
- Rollover accidents - A rollover accident can happen when a truck driver speeds around a curve or drives too fast for the road and weather conditions, causing the tractor or trailer to flip over and bringing about a multi-vehicle pile-up or series of collisions. An overturn accident can also occur when one vehicle strikes another vehicle with a significant amount of force, causing the second vehicle to overturn or spin around rapidly in the middle of the highway.
- Sideswipe accidents - A sideswipe accident happens when the sides of two vehicles traveling side by side strike one another, usually in busy highway traffic. These accidents occur when drivers fail to observe the road and drift over into another lane of travel. Sometimes, the force of a highway sideswipe accident pushes the vehicle on the receiving end entirely off the road or into another travel lane, causing an accident.
- Explosions - Accidents involving explosions are common when tanker trucks or similar vehicles crash at high rates of speed, hit other cars, or roll over in the roadway. In some instances, these vehicles may ignite, causing an explosion that leads to severe accidents, burn injuries, and deaths.
If you suffered injuries in any of these accidents on I-75, take the legal steps necessary to pursue the monetary recovery you deserve. An auto accident attorney in your area can investigate your accident circumstances and determine your eligibility for moving forward with a claim. Your attorney can then file a claim with the appropriate insurance company and pursue the monetary damages you need for your injuries.
Common Causes of I-75 Crashes
Accidents that occur on I-75 are usually the result of driver negligence. When drivers break traffic laws or otherwise fail to drive in a careful manner, they are more likely than other drivers to cause an accident.
One of the most common causes of highway driving accidents is speeding. This is especially true when drivers fail to account for the prevailing weather and traffic conditions while driving.
A driver who speeds is much more likely to lose control of their car, causing it to strike another vehicle in a nearby travel lane. Highway accidents may also happen when drivers fail to use their turn signals while switching traffic lanes.
I-75 also has numerous merge lanes, typically coming from traffic exits. A driver must yield the right-of-way to oncoming highway traffic at these merge lanes. When a driver fails to yield, they might negligently cause their vehicle to strike another car, leading to an accident.
Highway accidents may also happen when drivers execute reckless driving maneuvers. When someone drives in an overly aggressive manner, it can become road rage. Angry drivers often honk their horns at other drivers and do everything possible to avoid slower-moving traffic.
The telltale signs of road rage include:
- Excessive speeding
- Cutting other vehicles off in traffic
- Failing to use turn signals
- Weaving in and out of traffic
When a driver exhibits these characteristics, they may negligently cause their vehicle to hit another car, causing the driver and passengers of the second vehicle to suffer serious injuries.
Highway accidents may also result from highway hypnosis or fatigued driving. Many people, including commercial truck drivers, must drive for long periods and might become sleepy while behind the wheel.
This is especially true if the driver fails to take frequent breaks and does not stop to take a nap. A fatigued driver often experiences symptoms similar to drunk driving, including lack of concentration, limited control over their vehicle, and drowsiness.
A drowsy driver who falls asleep at the wheel may lose control of their car, causing it to strike other vehicles in its path. Even if drivers do not fall completely asleep at the wheel, they may still experience delayed reaction time and limited concentration, preventing them from driving safely.
In addition, highway accidents may happen when people drive in a distracted manner. For example, a driver may engage in horseplay with vehicle passengers, listen to loud music in their vehicle, or send a text message on a cellular device while driving.
Drivers may also become distracted if they program a GPS navigation system while driving or fiddle with their stereo system. These distractions can take a driver's eyes off the road, preventing them from seeing and appreciating other traffic. When distracted drivers look away from the road, they may fail to see an approaching vehicle and cause a severe collision.
Finally, drunk driving is another unfortunate cause of highway traffic accidents. When drivers are inebriated, they are more likely to lose control of their vehicles and exhibit various physical and mental symptoms.
A drunk driver may experience blurred vision, so they cannot see other cars clearly. They may also suffer from delayed reflexes and reaction time, preventing them from hitting their brakes in time to avoid a highway collision.
If you suffered injuries in an accident on I-75 due to another driver's negligence, you should seek the legal help you need immediately. A car accident attorney can file a claim on your behalf and pursue the various types of monetary damages you deserve for your accident-related losses.
Common Injuries in Highway Crashes
The injuries that an accident victim suffers in a highway crash will depend on the circumstances of their accident, including the force of the collision and the accident victim's movements in their vehicle during the impact.
Sometimes, the energy of a crash is so great that a part of the accident victim's body strikes a vehicle component, like the headrest or steering wheel. If the accident victim's head hits the steering wheel with significant force, the victim may sustain a traumatic head or brain injury, such as a concussion.
Other common injuries that highway accident victims may suffer in a collision include:
- Soft tissue contusions to the neck and back
- Spinal cord damage
- Paralysis
- Internal organ injuries
- Internal bleeding
- Road rash
- Open lacerations
- Broken bones
- Rib fractures
If you suffered any of these injuries in a highway accident, a medical doctor can prescribe a treatment regimen for you. For example, if you suffer a broken bone, you may need an orthopedic consultation, surgery, and physical therapy.
Follow through with all recommended medical treatments and refrain from discharging yourself from treatment. Otherwise, in a personal injury claim, the insurance company may not believe that your injuries warrant significant monetary compensation.
Having an attorney on your side early in the process increases your chances of success dramatically. For example, while you follow through with your medical treatment regimen, your attorney can gather medical records and assemble a settlement demand package on your behalf.
How to Prove an Accident Claim
To recover monetary compensation for the injuries you suffered in a highway auto accident, you, as the accident victim, must satisfy your legal burden of proof in the case.
First, you must show that the other driver owed you a legal duty of care to drive safely and carefully. This legal element is usually a given since all drivers must drive safely and follow all traffic regulations.
Next, you must demonstrate that the other driver breached or violated their legal duty of care. For example, in a highway accident, the other driver might have failed to yield the right-of-way or engaged in distracted or impaired driving.
Moreover, the accident victim has to show that the highway collision occurred because of the other driver's negligent actions or inactions. Finally, the accident victim must demonstrate, through qualified medical testimony, that they suffered at least one physical injury as a direct result of the accident.
To establish medical causation, an accident victim must typically have a medical expert on board in their case. The expert must be willing to state, to a reasonable degree of medical probability, that a causal relationship exists between the accident and the claimed injuries. A medical expert can also establish that the accident victim sustained a permanent injury or impairment.
An experienced auto accident lawyer in your area can help you satisfy your legal burden of proof by retaining an expert to testify in your case.
Negotiating a Settlement in a Highway Accident Case
The insurance company may offer a settlement once your attorney introduces medical evidence in your car accident case. However, initial settlement offers often fall far short of a car accident claim's actual monetary value.
It often takes a seasoned personal injury attorney to effectively negotiate with the insurance company adjuster and convince them to offer additional financial compensation to resolve the case. For example, a lawyer can point out the strengths of an accident victim's medical records in the case.
Insurance companies and their adjusters frequently have the incentive to offer as little monetary damages as possible to resolve a claim.
After all, the more money the insurance company has to pay out in settlement compensation, the less they can keep for themselves. Therefore, many adjusters will do everything possible to downplay the significance of a car accident claim and offer the accident victim as little monetary compensation as possible to settle.
If, despite ongoing negotiations, the insurance company still does not increase its offer, an accident victim's attorney can file a lawsuit in court and litigate the case to an efficient resolution.
Recoverable Damages in Highway Car Accident Cases
If you recently sustained injuries in an auto accident on I-75, you can recover various types of monetary damages, depending upon the size and scope of your injuries.
Other factors that may influence the amount of financial compensation you receive include the extent of your medical treatment and the overall effects of the accident on your life and well-being.
First, highway accident victims can pursue monetary compensation for their out-of-pocket losses, including the costs of past and future medical expenses, lost earnings, and loss of earning capacity.
In addition, an accident victim may recover non-economic damages for their intangible losses, including compensation for:
- Inconvenience
- Pain and suffering
- Loss of the ability to use a body part
- Loss of enjoyment of life
- Loss of spousal companionship
- Permanent disability or disfigurement
- Lifetime care costs
Your attorney will aggressively fight for your legal rights at every stage of the case and work to maximize the total monetary award you receive for your highway accident injuries.
Speak With a Local Car Accident Attorney Today
If you recently suffered injuries in an accident on I-75, you should seek legal help as quickly as possible. Accident victims only have two years to file a lawsuit seeking monetary recovery, starting on the date of their car accident.
Unless an exceptional circumstance applies, if the accident victim misses this deadline, they cannot recover any monetary damages. Therefore, immediately seek qualified legal counsel to represent you.
Your personal injury attorney can explore all of your legal options and file a claim or lawsuit on your behalf promptly. Your lawyer can also represent you at all legal proceedings, including your discovery deposition, jury trial, mediation session, or binding arbitration hearing, and aggressively advocate for you every step of the way.