An Award
Winning Team!

Roswell Spinal Cord Injury Lawyers

Did you experience an accident that left you with a spinal cord injury in Roswell? If you have, you can reach out to our Roswell spinal cord injury lawyers at the Atlanta Personal Injury Law Group for professional legal assistance. Our team is ready to take on your claim.

Contact us for a free consultation with a member of our team today. We can review the facts of your case, discuss your options moving forward, and start working on getting you the financial compensation you deserve. We are here to provide you with guidance and support through every step of the legal process. You don’t have to do this alone.

Table of Contents

What Makes Our Spinal Cord Injury Team Stand out in Roswell?

avvo rating 10.0, top attorney personal injury badge

Our team can help with all aspects of your spinal cord injury claim after an accident in Roswell. We put our experience and legal knowledge to work for you, allowing us to build a claim to fight for compensation for your losses following a spinal cord injury.

We focus on handling all legal challenges for you, so you can focus on your healthy recovery. You can count on us to offer:

Responsive Communication

We understand how stressful it can be if you have legal questions after an accident that caused your spinal cord injury in Roswell. We can answer your questions and explain the process to you. We provide open communication from the time you reach out to us until we resolve your claim. We also keep you up to date about the status of your case throughout the entire process.

A Positive Attitude

The right attitude matters when handling spinal cord injury claims in Roswell. Our team wants to listen to your story. We want you to know you matter, and we can fight on your behalf.

Investigative Services

Our team has the resources and experience to investigate what happened before, during, and after your accident. We can speak with witnesses, consult with experts, review accident reports, and visit the scene of the accident to determine exactly what happened. We can even speak with your doctor about your prognosis. We then use the evidence we gather to support your claim.

A Focus on Results

We provide client-focused services in Roswell and provide you with the guidance and support you deserve after an accident. We can take the necessary legal steps to resolve your claim with the insurance company or stand up for you in court.

The Benefits of Working with a Roswell Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer

The legalities of securing compensation after an accident can quickly become complicated if you try to manage them on your own. We make things simple by handling all legal issues on your behalf, so you can move forward with your life.

The team at Atlanta Personal Injury Law Group can:

  • Calculate the potential value of your claim
  • Assess all settlement offers
  • Negotiate with insurance companies on your behalf
  • Provide evidence to support your case

We can begin working on your claim the day you sustain your injury all you have to do is contact us.

Spinal Injuries and Car Accidents in Roswell, GA

According to the National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center, approximately 17,800 people sustain spinal cord injuries every year in the United States. Several different types of accidents can lead to spinal cord injuries, but the primary causes are motor vehicle accidents and slip and fall accidents.

Here in Roswell, we see a lot of car accidents due to the sheer volume of vehicles traveling on our roads. Roswell serves as a major hub for North Fulton County, with five major state routes carrying commercial and non-commercial vehicles through our area.

Some roads see more traffic and congestion than others, such as the:

  • Nesbit Ferry Road Corridor
  • Pine Grove Road Corridor
  • Riverside Road Corridor

The Georgia Department of Public Health reports that motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of injury deaths in Georgia, and the second-leading cause of hospitalizations and emergency room visits. While these accidents can result in many different kinds of injuries, spinal injuries represent one of the most serious consequences of a collision.

Roswell Spinal Injuries and Slip and Fall Accidents

As mentioned above, slip and fall accidents commonly result in spinal injuries. You can slip and fall anywhere. However, many of these accidents occur at large stores throughout the Roswell area.

Stores have a high potential for accidents due to the large number of customers who move through them every day. Items fall, drinks spill, rain collects, tiles break, and carpets roll; any one of these things could create a hazardous walk area. Busy workers may not have time to clean up spills or post warning signs, increasing the risk of slip and fall accidents and spinal injuries.

Worse still, owners may fail to take any actions to protect their guests.

Premises Liability Claims in Roswell

Georgia law does not treat slip and fall accident claims and car accident claims in the same way. Personal injury lawyers generally pursue a premises liability claim after a slip and fall accident.

Premises liability claims focus on the fact that property owners must keep their property free of hazards. When property owners violate this duty of care, they take on liability for possible accidents on their property.

For example, a lawyer from Atlanta Personal Injury Law Group could help you build a claim if a property owner knew about a spill on the floor and did not clean it up. If you slipped on the spill and sustained a spinal cord injury, you may secure compensation for your losses.

Losses Associated With a Roswell Spinal Cord Injury

Spinal injuries can leave you with extensive medical bills and other losses. Our team can step in to help you fight for compensation for all the expenses associated with your accident, including economic and non-economic damages.

Economic Damages

Economic damages focus on the costs directly associated with your accident. For example, your medical expenses typically represent major economic damages after a spinal cord injury. Your lawyer can help you pursue compensation to cover your emergency care, hospitalizations, surgeries, physical therapy appointments, medications, and more.

If your injuries have affected your lifestyle, you may receive compensation to modify your home, training for a new occupation, and mobility aids.

You may also receive compensation to cover your lost income at work, your lost earning potential (if you are unable to return to your former job), and other out-of-pocket expenses.

Non-Economic Damages

You could also receive non-economic damages after a spinal cord injury in Roswell. Unlike economic damages, non-economic damages do not have a set dollar value. They cover your pain and suffering, mental anguish, loss of enjoyment of life, and other non-economic losses. Your lawyer can help determine a fair economic value for these damages.

Punitive Damages

In some situations, you could receive punitive damages following an accident in Roswell. These damages punish the individual who caused your accident and discourage them and others from ever repeating the same behavior. Georgia courts only offer these damages in rare cases.

How Our Spinal Cord Lawyers Can Help You Secure Compensation?

First, our team focuses on collecting evidence about the losses you sustained.

This investigative process may require you to gather documents like:

  • Accident report
  • Photos
  • Paychecks
  • Employer statements
  • Medical records
  • Doctor statements
  • Bills and receipts

We can also work with expert witnesses to get their testimony about the effects that your spinal cord injury will have on the rest of your life. You can count on us to provide professional support and guidance throughout the process of handling your spinal cord injury claim.

Steps We Take to Manage Your Roswell Spinal Cord Injury Claim

The team at Atlanta Personal Injury Law Group uses our experience and understanding of the Georgia legal system to handle all your needs after you sustain a spinal cord injury in Roswell. We focus on:

Investigating What Happened

Identifying who and what caused your accident represents an important part of building a successful spinal cord injury claim. We must identify the at-fault party that caused your injuries to determine liability. We also review all your losses, calculate their value, and review all relevant insurance policies.

Negotiating With Insurance Agents

In many cases, you can resolve your claim by allowing our team to negotiate with the insurance company on your behalf.

Our attorneys can:

  • Present your demand letter for compensation
  • Stand up for you during negotiations
  • Deal with any insurance adjusters

We will inform you of any settlement offers made by the insurance company. While the final decision to accept a settlement is always yours, we can review these offers on your behalf to ensure they fairly cover your losses.

Handling Your Case in Court

We understand that some Roswell spinal cord injury claims cannot settle out of court. Our team can also bring your case before a judge and jury and fight for justice on your behalf.

Potential Defendants for Spinal Cord Injury Claims in Roswell

We take several steps to identify all potential defendants in your spinal cord injury claim. The possible defendants will vary depending on the cause(s) of your injury.

Based on your situation, we may help you pursue compensation from:

  • A property owner or manager
  • The driver of a vehicle
  • A bus or trucking company

During your free consultation, we can review the facts of your case and explain how we determine who caused your accident. We may explore compensation from multiple parties in some cases it all depends on the specifics of your spinal cord injury.

You do not have to try to face this legal challenge on your own. Reach out to us today and allow us to handle your spinal cord injury claim.

Frequently Asked Questions About Roswell Spinal Cord Injury Cases

Do you have questions about your spinal cord injury claim in Roswell? Our attorneys are here to provide you with answers to questions like:

How Do You Establish Negligence for a Spinal Cord Injury?

Individuals act negligently when they fail to uphold their duty of care to others. For example, if a property owner fails to post a warning sign about a hazard, they have violated their duty of care to their guests.

The team at Atlanta Personal Injury Law Group establishes liability by investigating your accident and gathering proof about exactly what happened to cause your injuries.

What Should You Do After Injuring Your Spine?

After you experience a spinal cord injury, you may need emergency care, depending on the severity of your injuries. Whenever possible, we recommend reporting the accident before you leave the location where it occurred. Your report and doctor's records will act as a connection between the accident and your injury and losses.

After reporting the accident and seeking medical care, reach out to a spinal cord injury lawyer in Roswell for assistance as soon as possible. Our attorneys can begin working on your claim right away, allowing you to focus on your recovery.

How Long Can You Wait to File a Spinal Cord Injury Claim?

The time to file a claim after a spinal cord injury varies. Generally, you have two years to file a personal injury claim under Georgia law. However, you may have even less time if your accident involved a government building or employee.

Our team can review the specifics of your claim to ensure that you meet every important deadline. Find out more by reaching out to us today.

Speak to a Roswell Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer About Your Claim

Jennifer Gore-Cuthbert, Personal Injury Accident Attorney
Jennifer Gore-Cuthbert, Roswell Spinal Cord Injury Attorney

You do not have to handle the aftermath of a spinal cord injury in Roswell on your own. Instead, you can start working with the attorneys at the Atlanta Personal Injury Law Group today. We handle all aspects of injury claims for our clients, providing you with proven experience and compassionate support.
To learn more, contact our Roswell spinal cord injury lawyers today at (404) 609-1724 for your free consultation.


After my accident, I immediately googled accident lawyers.. I didn't know much about this company but I'm glad that I chose them. From the time...

- Jay